Worldwide Synod underway – how you can participate
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
With Pope Francis convening a worldwide Synod on Synodality, the Catholic Church has begun the largest consultative process in human history. Pope Francis has invited the entire people of God to participate in a process of listening and engagement together. The Pope wants to hear from all individuals about their experiences of the Church: their joys and disappointments, as well as their questions, hopes, and dreams for the Church.
He has charged dioceses throughout the world to host what are called synodal listening sessions. Bishop Ed will offer six such sessions, one for each of the six vicariates in our diocese. The session for our Leatherstocking Vicariate will be offered on Monday May 23 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s in Oneonta. Please make every effort to attend.
The Albany Diocese has likewise encouraged individual parishes to host listening sessions as well so that local pastors can hear from their parishioners about their experience of parish life and ministry. These sessions are simple, accessible, and welcoming, and I am inviting participants to speak from the heart – boldly, freely, and courageously.
Three options exist for the parish listening sessions at St. Mary’s Our Lady of the Lake. Those interested only need to choose one. Each session will be held in the parish hall.
Thursday May 12 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sunday May 15 from 3-4:30 p.m.
Thursday May 19 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Cathy Parisi, a member of the parish Pastoral Council and a member of the organizing Task Force says, “This is not a decision-making forum, but participants will help to create a church that is more deeply in communication with Christ and one another, a church that is more truly one of closeness, compassion, and tender love, and a church that listens more attentively.”
Pope Francis has put a premium on hearing from people who are not active in Catholic life as well. St Mary’s is making an effort to involve others, no matter the religious affiliation or absence of a religious affiliation, those who have left the Catholic Church, those who rarely or never practice their faith and those who might not find a fit anywhere, or who disagree with certain aspects of doctrine. Therefore, please forward this invitation to participate to those you know and love who might fit into one of these categories.
Visit to learn more.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Michael
St. Mary’s is a vibrant parish with many opportunities to share time, talent and fellowship with parishioners and the community at large.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, most of our events and activities are on hold.
Mass is celebrated publicly every day except Monday. Weekend liturgies are livestreamed and archived on our You Tube channel
Confessions are heard Saturday afternoons from 3-4 pm and by appointment.
We look forward to fully engaging parish life and ministry on the other side of the pandemic.
Hope to see you then!