The Pastoral Council is meeting regularly again, generally on the first Thursday of the month. Important information will be included in the bulletin (usually as in insert) and on the website. Detailed meeting minutes are available on request.
Organization The Pastoral Council has a membership of twelve parishioners. Additionally, the two parish trustees (Al Tinger, Ray McGoldrick), the faith formation coordinator (Chrissy Blanck) and the pastor (Fr. Michael) serve as ex-officio members. Here are the current members:
Martha Harris ( Alice Perkins, Chair (
Austin Partridge ( Mary Farmer (
Diane Butz, Secretary ( Walt Heinrich (
Diane Grigoli ( Marty Rosenthal (
Roger Davidson ( Vince Solomon (
Owen Kennedy ( Martha Wilhelm (
Please communicate with them or the ex-officio members regarding any concerns, questions or suggestions.
The pastor presides over and guides final decisions and their implementation. Formal guidelines for how the council functions are available upon request.
October 17, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Father Michael, Alice Perkins, Diane Butz, Roger Davidson, Walt Heinrich, Owen Kennedy, Martha Wilhelm, Marty Rosenthal, Martha Harris, Vince Solomon, Austin Partridge, Diane Grigoli,
Absent: Alfred Tinger, Ray McGoldrick, Chrissy Blank, Mary Farmer, Max Koffer, Matthew Perrino
1. Alice opened the meeting at 07:01 pm
2. Opening Prayer led by Roger Davidson
3. The September meeting minutes were approved. Motion to approve by Father Michael; Martha Wilhelm seconded motion; all approved.
4. Youth Faith Formation Update (Chrissy)
· This year we have: 7 catechists, 69 students, 44 families, 4 new families, 8 First Communion students, 8 Confirmation Candidates
· Some attrition due to families returning to St. Mary’s Oneonta and some families finished with Faith Formation due to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation
5. New Pew Installation Update (Fr. Michael)-
· The last week of October pews will be removed starting 10/27 after 2 pm
· The first full week of November 11/4 the floors will be refinished
· The following week 11/11 the carpet will be put in
· The following week 11/18 the new pews will be put in
· The Sanctuary tiles are not being renovated
· The Blessed Sacrament will be reserved in church and chairs will be placed in the Sanctuary for people to still be able to pray in church.
6. Areas of Focus for 2024/2025 (Alice/All)
The brainstorm list generated at the September meeting was reviewed, pared down, and ownership assigned for proposals to be defined and brought back to the council for review and approval. The revisions made to the brainstorm list are as follows:
· Teaching Walk Through of the Mass:
· Catholic Media Kiosk
· Increase participation in First Saturday Devotions will be removed from strategic plan; Fr Michael will continue to announce and encourage attendance at Masses
· Increase parish population through outreach
– Suggestions: Walk w/ One Person (Diane Butz) to bring them into or back to church or by individual invitations
Youth Faith Formation
· Youth choir (Martha W., Vince, with guidance from Chrissy)
· Youth grade Masses
· Post Confirmation Youth Group (Martha W., Vince, Austin)
· Formal ½ day Session w Tom Cronin (Fr. Michael, Alice)
· Parish Mission (Lent – Fr. Michael, Chrissy)
· Evangelization (Marty)
· Speakers – Will be arranged for Advent Season (Chrissy)
o Respect Life Speaker/ Sisters of Life/ Exposure to Religious Vocations,
o Hard as Nails Conversion Stories ($5000)
o Speakers bureau- Pat McVey (owner of Chicago Bears, The Faith and Sports Hall of Fame), a retired NHL player and retired MLB player
o Busting Myths on Catholicism
· Dodgeball
· Parallel microphone system to allow for livestreaming (Roger, Matthew)
· The Power of One Hour (planned for Adult Formation beginning Nov 3rd)
· Folk Mass (Vince)
7. Round Robin
Father Michael-Bible Study on Mary to start 11/12/24 for 8 sessions on Tuesdays, not meeting on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve
Austin- would like to pursue Youth Ministry as he is now working full time with children and would like to be a Sunday Catechist substitute
Diane Grigoli- Respect Life Ministry Gave $150 to Kitty & earned $200 from sale of tote bags for a total of $350 to be given to New Life Maternity Shelter.
· Suggested New Life Maternity Shelter may be a speaker for us
Marty- Doing the scheduling now for Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Owen- pass
Martha H.- pass
Diane Butz- brought up to see if any of the new council members were interested in writing the “Highlights of the Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes” to be shared with the parish.
· Martha Wilhelm agreed to take on that responsibility.
Martha Wilhelm- pass
Walt- will be changing from 4:30 pm Mass to 8 am Mass through the winter
Vince- Thanked everyone for the condolences. He went to Trinidad last week for the 40 day memorial for his mom.
Roger- pass
Alice- Fr. Chris Alar from The National Shrine of Divine Mercy will be giving 2 talks on Sunday, Nov 10 in Ilion at the Church of the Annunciation.
No November Meeting. Next meeting will be December 5. January 2 meeting will be Christmas dinner
8. Identify December Prayer Leader- Austin Partridge
9. Closing prayer by Fr. Michael