The Pastoral Council is meeting regularly again, generally on the first Thursday of the month. Important information will be included in the bulletin (usually as in insert) and on the website. Detailed meeting minutes are available on request.
Organization The Pastoral Council has a membership of twelve parishioners. Additionally, the two parish trustees (Al Tinger, Ray McGoldrick), the faith formation coordinator (Chrissy Blanck) and the pastor (Fr. Michael) serve as ex-officio members. Here are the current members:
Martha Harris ( Alice Perkins, Chair (
Austin Partridge ( Mary Farmer (
Diane Butz, Secretary ( Walt Heinrich (
Diane Grigoli ( Marty Rosenthal (
Roger Davidson ( Vince Solomon (
Owen Kennedy ( Martha Wilhelm (
Please communicate with them or the ex-officio members regarding any concerns, questions or suggestions.
The pastor presides over and guides final decisions and their implementation. Formal guidelines for how the council functions are available upon request.
July 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Father Michael, Maureen Murray, Diane Grigoli, Alice Perkins, Diane Butz, Roger Davidson, Cathy Parisi, Joe Parisi, Vince Solomon, Ray McGoldrick, Walt Heinrich, Jeff Woeppel, Austin Partridge, Max Koffer
Absent: Owen Kennedy, Matthew Perrino, Chrissy Blanck
- Maureen opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
- The agenda was revised at the start of the meeting to hear a parishioner concern.
Peggy Poulson attended the meeting to express concerns about the announced purchase of new pews for the church. Marge Landers attended the meeting to listen to the pew discussion. Peggy’s concerns included surprise that the pews were going to be replaced, concern that the replacement was being done without consensus of the parish, and having examined the pews herself, she believed only 18 of the 74 need to be refinished. She agreed that the floors needed to be refinished and suggested that the issues with the kneelers could be resolved by putting longer arms on them. She also thought removing some pews and spreading out the pews could resolve the issue of space between the pews.
Father Michael explained that the deposit for the new pews has been sent to the vendor. In either case, all the pews would have to be removed. Father also explained that the lead time on the pews is 5 months, and that while the work is done in the church, masses would be held in the Parish Hall. Jeff Woeppel commented that he and Cathy Parisi took on an effort to identify various solutions as well as potential vendors to address the pew and kneeler comfort issues brought forth in the Synod and Town Hall sessions held in the summer of 2022 and 2023, respectively. Their findings were reported to Father Michael and a decision was made to refinish the floors, replace the carpet, and replace the pews. Peggy expressed a strong desire that the new pews have a similar look (with etchings) and color as our current pews. Marge also expressed support for a traditional look. Peggy also suggested the pillars be repainted while the pew and floor work are completed. Alice volunteered to put together a 1-page summary/poster of the pew replacement effort, to include a picture of the new pews, which can be used to communicate the plan to the parish.
- The June meeting minutes were approved.
- Welcome New Student Members – Max Koffer (Maureen)
Maureen warmly welcomed Max Koffer as our 2nd student member. She also briefly explained the general expectations and encouraged Max’s full participation.
- Grandparents Day Plan Review (Maureen, Diane B.)
The Grandparents and Seniors Day will be held at noon Mass on July 28th. Rosemary Broderson and Stephanie Nolan have joined the planning effort. Maureen asked for permission to put an announcement in the bulletin the week before and Father Michael approved. Maureen asked if progress had been made on the live stream system functionality in the church for use on Grandparent’s Day. Roger Davidson reported that no solution has yet been found.
The program used for Grandparents Day 2021 is being updated for use this year. Diane Butz will work with Father Michael to print it on the rectory printer. Maureen noted that Diane Butz writes the prayer of the faithful each week. Grandparents and grandchildren will participate in the readings and bringing up the gifts. Stephanie Nolan and Mary Harmon will be covering the refreshments and informal reception on the front lawn. Maureen asked for additional volunteers from the council. Alice is out of town that weekend and will be unable to help. Jeff, Diane Grigoli, and Ray volunteered their help.
- Strategic Plans (Alice)
With member terms ending (Maureen, Jeff, Joe, Cathy), the following were confirmed with the council:
- Given Social Justice is now an established ministry, it will be dropped from the strategic plan. Jeff Woeppel will continue leading that ministry. Periodic updates to the Pastoral Council can be made as needed.
- With St Thomas collaboration on indefinite hold, there is no need to replace Maureen, as the lead role on that strategic plan team.
- With Vince and Diane G. on the Youth Faith Formation team, there is no need to replace Joe and Cathy on that team. Any new assignments to the strategic plan teams will be done in September.
Much was accomplished on the strategic plans over the past 2 years. Remaining efforts will be revisited in September along with defining new areas of focus to grow and support our parish.
- Review of Issues and Actions from Previous Meetings
Outstanding Issues/Actions |
Update |
Printing of updated to Ministry Brochure. |
Printing of an older brochure version was successful. One more iteration is needed to print the most recent version. |
Faith Formation Concern -Discuss Mass time change possibility w Karen Walker/ St. Thomas -If agreement, develop new schedule for 2024-2025 |
Karen Walker is unwilling to change the St Thomas Mass schedule as it would severely impact attendance. St Mary’s Sunday Mass schedule will not change. However, she offered to get coverage once per month for the St Thomas Mass. This will enable Father Michael to be present for St. Mary’s Faith Formation once per month and visit each class personally once during the school year. |
- Round Robin
Father Michael: Extended a heartfelt thank you to Maureen, Jeff, Joe and Cathy, the last remaining members of the reconstituted council, as their terms complete. Maureen did a fabulous job as chairwoman, especially in time management, meeting prep, strategic plans, professionalism, and the synods. The stained-glass window repair will begin the following week and scaffolding will be going up. Beginning July 23 and on Tuesdays through August, there will be family fun nights. Kids of all ages are welcome. The fun nights will start with mass at 6pm followed by dinner and games. If attendance at this mass demonstrates enough interest in a weekday evening mass, the Tuesday mass time may be changed from noon to 6pm.
Walt: pass
Cathy and Joe: It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve on the council over the last 3 years and they are grateful for the opportunity.
Jeff: Grateful for the experience. Respects and trusts Maureen and appreciates her perseverance. Thanked everyone for the learning moments especially through opening prayer. Looks forward to future synods and hopes they take hold. Thanked Father Michael for his organization, listening, decision making, encouragement, and follow up.
Ray: Asked for Parish picnic date which is September 8th. Folk mass was well received.
Al: Needs Sharon Kroker contact information for the Greeter lead in the ministry brochure. Alice will send it to Al.
Diane B.: pass
Austin: Is contemplating starting a mission to feed Catholic children in third world countries and will present a plan to the council when he is ready to formally ask for support.
Max: Thank you and happy to be on the council.
Vince: Not everyone will be pleased with the new pews. It is good to see parishioners care and want involvement.
Marge: Since our very old pews were made much has changed and improved ergonomics will likely be incorporated into the newly constructed pews.
Roger: Thanks to Maureen, Jeff, Joe, and Cathy as they leave the council.
Alice: Jeff has been publishing minutes highlights and asked if anyone would be willing to take on that responsibility. Diane Butz may be able to take this on in her new role as secretary. We will trial and confirm in September on the first round of minutes.
Diane G.: Presented gifts to Austin and Brianna who are expecting their first child.
Maureen: Expressed her deep appreciation for her time on the council and working together with all the members to positively impact parish life. Gifted each member with a homemade loaf of bread to remind and encourage us to be like the yeast for bread in our work on this council.
- September Prayer Leader is Diane Butz.
- Father Michael led the closing prayer and meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Future meetings: Sep 5, Oct 17, No November meeting, Dec 5