St. Mary’s Our Lady of the Lake is a Christ-centered, Spirit inspired, biblically grounded, and sacramentally nourished Catholic community that lives the Good News of the Gospel by worshipping God, witnessing to His Word, and warmly welcoming and serving His people.
St. Mary’s Our Lady of the Lake Parish is a welcoming community whose enthusiasm and joy for the Catholic faith inspires all to be actively involved in parish life and ministry, in the true spirit of family. We offer opportunities for parishioners to deepen and share their faith, and thereby grow closer to God. At Christ’s word, we serve the least of His people by sharing our gifts with the poor, the sick, the lonely and the marginalized, both within and outside our local community. We are strong advocates of Catholic social teaching, collaborating with other faith communities to effect a just society. We are a parish that lives by faith, is known by love and voices a message of hope to the world.