In confirmation, we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and empowered to be disciples of Christ.
The Journey Toward Confirmation 9th – 10th grades
The journey toward confirmation is a two-year program for 9th and 10th grade students. During this time students will meet weekly on Sunday evenings, at St. Mary’s, from September through May. Depending on the Bishop’s schedule, confirmation will usually take place in May for 10th grade students in the program. The catechists will use the Decision Point Confirmation Program, published by Dynamic Catholic, to faith form our students.
Decision Point is the first confirmation program specifically developed to engage young Catholics in a meaningful conversation about the genius of Catholicism. It teaches and inspires teens to respond to God’s grace, and it’s changing hundreds of thousands of young lives.
During their journey, students will participate in a number of class community service hours and activities. In addition to class time and service activities, our program includes an annual confirmation retreat. A confirmation retreat is a time to step away from our everyday activity and spend some concentrated time to reflect on our relationship with Jesus Christ and what that means for our lives. Anytime one is taking a major step in one’s faith journey, having some time apart to prayerfully discern what that means for one’s life, is an important activity.
The retreat will be followed by five weeks of direct confirmation prep. This will begin with a meeting with Fr. Michael for a discussion about their faith journey and their readiness for confirmation. Parents and/or Sponsors may be asked to meet with Fr. Michael as well.
The Liturgical Catechesis component will take place over the last four weeks of the program. These liturgical experiences will help the confirmandi to reflect on what this sacrament means for living the Christian life. It uses the prayers, scriptures, symbols and music of the rite itself to help students develop a fuller, more active and conscious participation in the liturgy and to help them reflect more deeply on the mysteries of our faith. Although this component is primarily designed for the students, it is important that families participate as well.
Confirmation Requirements
In order to receive the sacrament of confirmation, diocesan policy requires that a candidate be baptized, in 10th grade and at least 15 years of age.
Candidates in high school must have been active in the Faith Formation program in grammar and middle school prior to coming forward for confirmation.
Candidates who attend Catholic high school or are home schooled are expected to take part in the confirmation retreat, interview with Fr. Michael as well as direct preparation at St. Mary’s. Parents should contact Fr. Michael in September of the confirmation year.
Candidates are expected to attend the full spiritual preparation offered prior to the reception of the sacrament.
Candidates should show a sincere desire to live their faith as a disciples of Jesus with the Catholic community.
Candidates must choose a sponsor that meets the requirements for a confirmation sponsor.
Confirmation Sponsor
The confirmation sponsor is similar to the baptismal godparent. She/he is someone, other than the parent, who stands as a witness on behalf of the larger faith community and pledges to support the candidate’s journey of faith as she/he grows into adulthood. It is a very specific role both in the celebration of the sacrament, as well as before and after the sacrament is received.
Therefore, the sponsor must be:
- A fully initiated Catholic having received baptism, confirmation and eucharist
- A Catholic who practices her/his faith within a Catholic faith community
- At least 16 years of age
- Living a life in harmony with the Catholic faith
- Willing to support the candidate through prayer, accompaniment and by modeling Christian virtue and holiness.